Julian 🇸🇪


My journey to TYW started like many others of that time back in 2011, 2012. The TYW marketing that was everywhere drew me in; you couldn't escape it. The convergence of cheap advertisement across social channels such as Facebook and budget airlines taking off meant they hit the market at the right time. 

Initially intended as a one-time summer job, my journey evolved significantly as I became part of the business. We focused on scaling the technology platform and diversifying the product offerings, turning a simple summer job into a more substantial venture.

My time as a skipper at The Yacht Week, while brief, was a unique experience. Following my initial summer as a skipper, I had the opportunity to meet with the founders in London. They were in the process of expanding the business and leveraging the platform they were developing. This initiative aimed to create a product similar to platforms like Airbnb Experiences or Hotels.com, which was ahead of its time.

A significant component of their strategy involved establishing a service and training platform for the maritime industry before diversifying into other sectors. Despite my relative youth and background in Property Finance, the founders entrusted me with the responsibility of implementing and running with their concept.

This pattern of transitioning from crew member to entrepreneur/successful business leader appears to be common within the community of skippers and hostesses associated with The Yacht Week. Numerous instances exist of individuals forging connections within the community, which ultimately serve as catalysts for venturing into new business initiatives.

The opportunities, both on a professional and personal level, that have unfolded for me within the extended TYW network over the past decade since I first stepped onboard a yacht are truly remarkable.

It is an instant global network of intrepid adventures of whom many are very successful in their “day jobs”. This weekly influx of diverse perspectives from communities and cultures around the world was addictive and probably why I have ended up in Venture Capital today. You wouldn't believe how many TYW crew/guest alumni I run into at events with their own amazing businesses or who drop everything to show off with cities when visiting.